Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes
Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes Selling extremely well, for
secret reasons, these protection potion receipes were added in The Burning
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Showing posts with label Tricks. Show all posts
Episode 097: Collectin' Monitors with Erogroth
In this episode your host Jim Younkin and special guest Erogroth discuss making gold with professions in Warlords of Draenor, garrison gold-making, the upcoming TradeSkillMaster 3.0 and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 097:
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Warlords of Draenor
Episode 092: Doing The Level One Hundred Dance
In this episode your host Jim Younkin discusses hitting level 100, picking tier 3 garrison buildings, the "Working More Orders" achievement, garrison resource theory and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 092:
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Episode 091: Garrison Madness
In this episode your host Jim Younkin discusses what he's been doing now that he has a little time to play, garrisons, garrisons (and more garrisons), leveling, material prices, hotfixes, and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 091:
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Warlords of Draenor
Back In The Saddle Again
I finally stole away some time to level my garrison and now I'm getting the dreaded "Character not found" error. This means that I have a bit of "free" time to do things like, oh I don't know, write a blog post!
Macros For Quickly Buying 5-Stack Vendor Items In WoD Beta
If you're like me and buying lots of items from your Garrison Trading Post vendor you might have noticed it is very annoying to have to click each and confirm buying each 5 stack or ore (for example).
I decided to use good old /framestack (or /fstack) command to see if I could build a macro that would click all those buttons for me…and it worked! Head past the jump for the macros and how I made them.
The "Bankless" Glyph System - Three Chars, Zero Banks!
YouTube: "Bankless" Glyph Selling Guide - Three Chars, Zero Banks!
My search for a glyph selling system that works for me continues. After 1.5 hours in glyph posting purgatory I decided there had to be a better way.
What I wanted to eliminate: running back and forth to bank dozens of times managing expired glyphs.
This video goes over my solution: Three glyph sellers each with four 36-slot Royal Scribe Satchels (which I farmed all the leather for and many many Molten Front fire spiders died to help make). Read on for more details on the "bankless" glyph system.
Glyph Posting Purgatory!!! - A Cautionary Tale
What do you get when you're still trying to figure out what the hell you're doing to deal with hundreds and hundreds of expired glyphs? Apparently you spend 1.5 hours mucking about. Ugh!
On a side note, after making this I came up with a new idea about how to deal with this. Might share more in the future. For now, whatcha see is whatcha get!
If nothing else this video shows what is really involved in selling a ton of glyphs. If you've never done it, grab a coffee and settle in. It's gonna be a long one.
YouTube: Glyph Posting Purgatory!!! - A Cautionary Tale
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WoW Mobile Armory Advanced Search Tips - 83-84 MoP Items
YouTube: WoW Mobile Armory Advanced Search Tips - 83-84 MoP Items
A short video going over a few advanced tips for using the mobile armory.
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Episode 082: Something Completely Different
In this episode your host Jim Younkin tries something a bit different (recording the podcast while doing his normal gold making routine) to surprising results. And now… on with the show!
Episode 082:
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Episode 081: Five Weird Gold-Making Tricks You Won't Believe
In this episode your host Jim Younkin goes over 5 of the top things that have moved his gold-making forward. And now… on with the show!
Episode 081:
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The Fastest Way I Know To Level 11 Characters
(Quick personal note: April and I were blessed to have a hearty and healthy baby girl come into our lives on Dec 10, 2013. She is our first and, as any parent can tell you, babies take up a lot of time. The results are totally worth the effort but if you notice things slowing down a bit here at Power Word: Gold just know we're busy helping "level up" the cutest level one you've ever seen.)
With 11 new characters (and 22 new professions) to level in the next month I thought I'd go over something I briefly touched on in Episode 77 of the podcast: The most efficient way to level 11 new characters.
In the podcast I mentioned that Recruit-a-Friend was likely going to factor into my strategy. In this post I'm going to explain how I'm planning to use Recuit-a-Friend to level 11 new characters as fast as I can.
★How To Gain 42 Levels In Under 5 Minutes!★
YouTube: ★★★ How To Gain 42 Levels In Under 5 Minutes! ★★★ - World of Warcraft: Fastest Way To Level Up
We use Recruit-a-Friend to go from level 43 to 85 in under 5 minutes. (Thanks to April for helping me work on leveling my 11 new alts!)
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Building Enchanting (And Other) Macros With Frame Stack
YouTube: WoW Enchanting Macros - How To Build With Frame Stack
Frame Stack command: "/fstack". Macro command: "/m".
In this video we describe how to use World of Warcraft's /fstack (/framestack) command to build macros to speed up leveling enchanting.
You can also use the techniques in this video to help build macros to speed up other parts of your UI.
What are your favorite macros you've built using /fstack?
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Timeless Isle Token Sorting Tips With Altoholic
YouTube: Timeless Isle Token Sorting Tips With Altoholic by Jim Younkin
Have you ever been confused about which alt to send which Timeless Item token to? In this video I use the Altoholic addon (download it here) to help see which characters can best use the upgrades.
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Full 83-84 MoP Armor TradeSkillMaster Importable Lists
About a month ago it occurred to me that if I had a list of every desirable 83-84 Mists of Pandaria armor and suffix in the game and was able to import that list into TradeSkillMaster that I would be able to greatly simplify not only the selling of items in my 83-84 market items but also make buying them easier.
My goal was to build such a set of master lists I could import into TradeSkillMaster groups. Once I had created a groups using this lists I could then build TSM shopping operations to search for the items and TSM Auctioning Operations to sell these items. All this with out ever having to spend time adding newly purchased items one by one into TSM groups by hand.
Read on past the jump for more info on how I create the lists and, more importantly, the lists themselves for you import into TradeSkillMaster and use yourself.
Steam Community Market - Selling Strategies & Pricing Tricks
It's not that often that we get to apply our gold-making strategies to make real-world money. Over the last few days, however, we've been playing around with selling items on the Steam Community Market.
The Steam Community Market is Steams place for buying and selling items, trading cards and much more for real-world money that is stored in your Steam wallet.This money can be used to buy other items, cards and games from Steam.
Watch Steam Community Market - Selling Strategies & Pricing Tricks on Youtube or head past the jump for the embedded video and more information.
Episode 064 - The Power Word: Gold Podcast
In this week's episode your hosts Jim Younkin and Erogroth discuss 87-88 markets, how gold-making is like music, just-in-time vs. stockpiling and much more. And now on with the show!
Episode 064:
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Profit By Supplying Secrets of the First Empire
Today's guest post was written by reader Sueshi. You can find them on twitter at @brocampaign.
World of Warcraft is a multi-faceted game and people’s motivations for playing are as diverse as the players themselves. Whether it’s raiding, pet battling, PvP, or gold-making it is challenging to master every aspect of this game.
When attempting to forge a new market or discover a new gold making “secret”, it is important to have an understanding of “why”? Why do players want it and why is it needed? Read on past the jump for a very interesting market I was able find.
Now On Sale: The Power Word: Gold Guide Volume II: Mists of Pandaria
One of the most commonly asked questions we've received since we released the first Power Word: Gold Guide for sale was "Will it be updated for Mists of Pandaria?" We've always been a bit vague about the answer and now we are able to share why.
We're happy to say that our second paid guide "The Power Word: Gold Guide Volume II: Mists of Pandaria" is now available for purchase in The Power Word: Gold Store.
This new, separate guide contains over 70+ pages of information about making gold in Mists of Pandaria.
Read on past the jump for more information.
Beginners, Gold Making Troubles And Trailblazing
Today I'm sharing a few of the reader questions we receive here at Power Word: Gold Central (AKA our email inbox) along with our answers.
I also give a bit of advice for those who want to ask others questions in the future as well as get a bit into blazing gold-making trails and thinking for yourself.
Read on past the jump for questions about being a beginning gold-maker as well as frustrations making gold. Thanks again to the readers for allowing us to use their questions.
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A Guide to Farming Instances For Mogging Items
Today's guest post was written by Ohnekase from the gold-making blog Meet Ohnekase . You can also follow them on twitter at @WowOhn...

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Gold-Making Blog Roll
The Blizzcon 2015 Charity Dinner - Blizzcon 2015 was my: - first trip alone - first trip outside of Canada since I was 16 years old - first airplane trip - first Blizzcon That ...
Selling Sky Golems - I had wanted to write up a post detailing the Stonehide Leather shuffle that I had been using. But Blizzard recently nerfed this option, and it is no lon...
Follow Quin69 at Gamescon - Click the read more to view the livestream on Quin69 at Gamescon Watch live video from Quin69 on
2015 in absentia - I almost can't believe this is my first post in more than a year. I post glyphs just recently, and it was the first time in three months. So I thought I'...
Mechanisms of Action - It's been... a couple months - I think? Since I last really played WoW. Sure, I've logged in, but - I just screwed around in my Garrison and then stared ...
Így indul 2015 - Kedves Book of Gold vásárlók/érdeklődők! A 2015. január 1-től életbe lépő rengeteg törvénymódosítás között szerepelt egy ÁFA-törvény módosítás is. Eszerin...
Old school potions are insane - Hey peeps! Quick update here. If you have an alchemist laying around with Potion of treasure finding (Cataclysm recipe) and potion of luck (MOP recipe) t...
Name the Podcast: Vote - The finalists have been chosen! Now is the time to vote!! The poll will close right before we record Episode 4! You'll be able to vote 3 separate times 1. ...

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