Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes
Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes Selling extremely well, for
secret reasons, these protection potion receipes were added in The Burning
Showing posts with label HowTo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HowTo. Show all posts
How To Turn Off Outlines In Warlords of Draenor
If you don't like the "outlines" that Blizzard added in World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.2 the setting to turn them off is a bit buried. Here's how to turn them off.
TL:DR - Options > Interface > Display > Outline Mode > Disabled (or Quest Objectives Only)
How To Start & Turn In Garrison Missions in Warlords of Draenor
YouTube: How To Start a Garrison Mission in Warlords of Draenor
While we know Warlords of Draenor is still in beta we thought the Garrison mission UI was not really that intuitive. We made a few short videos showing how to start as well as turn in Garrison missions.
We also wanted to show off the cool little "mini-animation" that plays when you turn in that shows your follower doing the heroic deed you asked them to do. It's a nice little touch that makes the followers feel a bit more real.
YouTube: How To Turn In a Garrison Mission in Warlords of Draenor
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Using TSM To Make & Sell Glyphs (With Faid)
YouTube: Using TSM To Make & Sell Glyphs Pt.1 - How To by Jim Younkin
After reading Faid's How to Compete in Glyphs post over at ClockworkRiot I got fired up to jump back into the glyph market. I decided I wanted to record the experience of setting up my entire glyph creation and selling set up for posterity.
I was lucky enough to have Faid join me to help me for each step along the way. If you've ever wanted a complete soup-to-nuts explanation on how to properly set up a large glyph operation these two video (clocking in at a combined 3 hours) are about as good as it gets.
Again my gratitude to Faid for sharing her considerable glyph selling knowledge and her patience with helping me get it set up. Part 1 is above. Head past the jump for Part 2.
Full 77-80 Cataclysm Armor TradeSkillMaster Importable Lists
You asked (and asked and asked) for TradeSkillMaster-importable lists for 77-80 Cataclysm armor and we are happy to finally deliver.
Read on past the jump for the full lists as well as information on how they were created.
Building Enchanting (And Other) Macros With Frame Stack
YouTube: WoW Enchanting Macros - How To Build With Frame Stack
Frame Stack command: "/fstack". Macro command: "/m".
In this video we describe how to use World of Warcraft's /fstack (/framestack) command to build macros to speed up leveling enchanting.
You can also use the techniques in this video to help build macros to speed up other parts of your UI.
What are your favorite macros you've built using /fstack?
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TradeSkillMaster 2.0 Basic How To Videos
Now that TradeSkillMaster 2.0 is in Open Beta (!) I'm releasing a few short how-to videos to help everyone get adjusted.
The following videos are brief (around 1 minute long) but should cover enough basics to get you started using TradeSkillMaster 2.0.
These videos cover:
- Building Groups
- Building Operations
- Adding Operations to Groups
- Adding Items to Groups
- How to post auctions
- How to cancel auctions
- Setting (and un-setting) TSM as the default mail window.
- Setting TSM Mailing to leave gold in your mailbow (thanks Sapu!).
- Setting the default auction tab
How To Create Groups
YouTube: TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 - Groups: How to create
How To Create Operations
YouTube: TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 - Operations: How to create
Adding Operations To Groups
YouTube: TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 - Operations: Adding to groups
Adding Items To Groups
YouTube: TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 - Adding Items To Groups: How To
How To Post Auctions
YouTube: TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 - Posting Auctions: How To
How To Cancel Auctions
YouTube: TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 - Canceling Auctions: How To
How To Un-Set TSM As Default Mail Window & Leave Gold
YouTube: TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 - Mailing: Make not default and leave gold
How To Set Default Auction Tab
YouTube: TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 - Default Auction Tab: How To Set
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The Big List of 77-79 & 83-84 Item Flipping Information
If you've been following Power Word: Gold for any length of time you'll know that I make the majority of my gold these day's by flipping (buying low and re-selling high) 77-79 Cataclysm (77-80 before 5.3) and 83-84 Mists of Pandaria items.
In order to help flippers (both new and old) get up and running I've compiled links to all the helpful posts that we've posted about the flipping markets into one post. Head past the jump for all of the links.
TradeSkillMaster Scrollwheel Quick Posting How To
One of the most effective ways to speed up posting items with TradeSkillMaster is setting it up so you can hold Ctrl and scroll your mouse wheel back and forth to quickly post your auctions.
Head past the jump for short video tutorial as well as written instructions on how to set up scrollwheel posting.
Transferring? How To Choose A New Server For Gold-Making
It seems that a lot of people have been transferring or looking to transfer servers lately. When I asked why on twitter and Facebook the majority of the responses tended to fall into a few main categories including looking for a fresh start or wanting to "change things up" to add life back into the game.
Another common reason seemed to be a desire to leave a server where the player was having difficulty with making gold (often attributed to either a very high or very low server/faction population).
While I've been happy on the same server for the last 8 years (and have no desire to transfer) the reasons above are very valid. When Selltacular suggested writing a guide for gold-makers looking to transfer and I thought it was a great idea.
The following advice is for players looking at a server transfer as a way to improve their gold-making situation. Read on past the jump for more.
Using TradeSkillMaster and WoWuction To Quickly Find Bargains
As we mentioned on The Power Word: Gold Podcast Episode 059 we've been exported data from the Bargain Hunter Reports and importing it into temporary TradeSkillMaster shopping lists to quickly search for bargains.
Read past the jump for the complete step-by-step tutorial on how you can do this yourself.
AdiBags - My Bag Addon Of Choice
Being able to quickly find items in our bags is one way we can become more efficient gold-makers. Today I wanted to give a brief introduction to and recommendation for my bag addon of choice: AdiBags.
I've been using AdiBags for years and its ability to automatically organize items and highlight new items are some of the reasons I love it so much.
Download it on the AdiBags page on Curse and read on past the jump for more detailed info on why it works so well for me.
Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?
In the two parts of this livestream we go over our normal flipping routines, show how to speed up buying with Auctioneer, using to find good items to sell, research Ghost Iron Ore prices on The Undermine Journal and much much more.
You can watch Part 1 and Part 2 on YouTube or head past the jump for embedded versions.
Mo' Mice, Mo' Gold!
In this livestream we move on again to a new gaming mouse, work on our normal flipping routines, we brainstorm ideas for making gold for specific professions and much more.
You can watch the recording on YouTube here: WoW Gold-Making! 3.5.13 Afternoon Routine by Jim Younkin or use the embedded player after the jump.
Speed Up Posting With Common Search Terms
In this post we will be going over how to significantly speed up posting of your 83-84 Mists of Pandaria items using a feature of TradeSkillMaster called "Common Search Term".
While this technique can be used for posting other types of items (most commonly Glyphs) it does have a few specific limitations. While I will be focusing this post on how to use it to speed up posting/reposting 83-84 Mists of Pandaria items it also works great for 77-80 Cataclysm items.
Read on past the jump for how to add the "Common Search Term" option to your own 83-83 Mists of Pandaria item groups and beyond.
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Undies, A Rifle And My Deepdive Helmet
In this livestream we go over tactics for selling random items quickly in TSM, get some advice for our stockpiles of Pyrite Ore, go over how to manually edit TSM dealfinding lists and much more.
Part 1 and Part 2 can be found on our YouTube channel. Head past the jump for embedded versions.
Episode 054 - The Power Word: Gold Podcast
In this week's episode your host Jim Younkin discusses 83-84 MoP item sales analysis, 5.2 changes, speeding up TSM posting and much more. And now on with the show!
Episode 054:
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Full show notes after the jump.
TradeSkillMaster A Go-Go
In this livestream we go over the fundamentals of getting TradeSkillMaster up and running, use The Undermine Journal to calculate how long it's been since we've posted, dig into 83-84 sales data analysis and much more.
Part 1 (Above): WoW Gold-Making! 2.13.13 Pt.1/2 Afternoon Routine by Jim Younkin
Part 2: WoW Gold-Making! 2.13.13 Pt.2/2 Afternoon Routine by Jim Younkin
Like this post? Get even more Power Word: Gold - Purchase our 100-Page Illustrated Gold Guide, subscribe via RSS, subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes or RSS, watch our Livestreams, follow us on Twitter, Circle us on Google+, Like us on Facebook, subscribe via Youtube and join us on reddit.
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Go Try French Opera
In this livestream we work on our normal routine as well as tactics for finding good lower level items to flip, how to hunt for competitor alts, work on cleaning out guild bank, try french opera (we don't) and much more.
Part 1: WoW Gold-Making! 1.21.13 Pt.1/2 Afternoon Routine by Jim Younkin
Part 2: WoW Gold-Making! 1.21.13 Pt.2/2 Afternoon Routine by Jim Younkin
Like this post? Get even more Power Word: Gold - Purchase our 100-Page Illustrated Gold Guide, subscribe via RSS, subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes or RSS, watch our Livestreams, follow us on Twitter, Circle us on Google+, Like us on Facebook, subscribe via Youtube and join us on reddit.
Weekly Gold-Making Q&A;: Now Taking Your Questions
First off we want to thank everyone who participated in last week's gold-making Q&A over on the official PowerWord: Gold subreddit. We had over 40 comment and answered numerous questions.
If you have a gold-making question you'd like answered head over to this week's gold-making Q&A and ask your question. Also, while you are there don't forget to subscribe to the subreddit by hitting the "subscribe" link in the upper right. We will be answering questions until late Monday night (Jan 28, 2013).
Remember, the only bad question is the one you never ask.
Like this post? Get even more Power Word: Gold - Purchase our 100-Page Illustrated Gold Guide, subscribe via RSS, subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes or RSS, watch our Livestreams, follow us on Twitter, Circle us on Google+, Like us on Facebook, subscribe via Youtube and join us on reddit.
I Want My Darkmoon Top Hat
In this livestream we cover our normal flipping routine, discuss realm population size, cross-faction trading, new Darkmoon Faire items coming in 5.2 and much, much more.
Part 1: WoW Gold-Making! 1.18.13 Pt.1/2 Afternoon Routine by Jim Younkin
Part 2: WoW Gold-Making! 1.18.13 Pt.2/2 Afternoon Routine by Jim Younkin
Like this post? Get even more Power Word: Gold - Purchase our 100-Page Illustrated Gold Guide, subscribe via RSS, subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes or RSS, watch our Livestreams, follow us on Twitter, Circle us on Google+, Like us on Facebook, subscribe via Youtube and join us on reddit.
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Today's guest post was written by Ohnekase from the gold-making blog Meet Ohnekase . You can also follow them on twitter at @WowOhn...

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Today's guest post was written by Ohnekase from the gold-making blog Meet Ohnekase . You can also follow them on twitter at @WowOhn...
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Gold-Making Blog Roll
The Blizzcon 2015 Charity Dinner - Blizzcon 2015 was my: - first trip alone - first trip outside of Canada since I was 16 years old - first airplane trip - first Blizzcon That ...
Selling Sky Golems - I had wanted to write up a post detailing the Stonehide Leather shuffle that I had been using. But Blizzard recently nerfed this option, and it is no lon...
Follow Quin69 at Gamescon - Click the read more to view the livestream on Quin69 at Gamescon Watch live video from Quin69 on
2015 in absentia - I almost can't believe this is my first post in more than a year. I post glyphs just recently, and it was the first time in three months. So I thought I'...
Mechanisms of Action - It's been... a couple months - I think? Since I last really played WoW. Sure, I've logged in, but - I just screwed around in my Garrison and then stared ...
Így indul 2015 - Kedves Book of Gold vásárlók/érdeklődők! A 2015. január 1-től életbe lépő rengeteg törvénymódosítás között szerepelt egy ÁFA-törvény módosítás is. Eszerin...
Old school potions are insane - Hey peeps! Quick update here. If you have an alchemist laying around with Potion of treasure finding (Cataclysm recipe) and potion of luck (MOP recipe) t...
Name the Podcast: Vote - The finalists have been chosen! Now is the time to vote!! The poll will close right before we record Episode 4! You'll be able to vote 3 separate times 1. ...

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