Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes
Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes Selling extremely well, for
secret reasons, these protection potion receipes were added in The Burning
Showing posts with label Expansions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expansions. Show all posts
Episode 100: Faiding Back In
In this episode your host Jim Younkin and special guest Faid (Twitter, YouTube) discuss coming back to WoW after 2 years, yhe launch of Legion, making gold with gathering, and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 100:
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Full show notes after the jump.
Easier Doomsayer Locations with TomTom and Paste - Pocket Fel Spreader Farming
The Gold Queen has a good guide to farming the Pocket Fel Spreader. It had instructions on adding map points for the Doomsayers using the addon TomTom.
I liked the guide but adding the waypoints involved either adding one by one or making multiple macros.
Paste Addon To The Rescue
I found an addon called Paste that allows you to add all the coordinates in one shot.In order to add all the way points to TomTom using Paste you have to have TomTom and Paste installed and then open Paste via the Minimap Button or /paste.
Once open copy the coordinate text for your city below, paste it into Paste, and click "Paste". This will add all the waypoints to TomTom.
Disable TomTom Waypoint Auto Clearing
By default TomTom automatically clears waypoints when you reach then. If you're like me and want the waypoints to remain on the map you need to go into the TomTom settings > General Options and set "Clear waypoint distance" to 0. You then have to reload UI (/reload) and then the waypoints will not disappear.
The coordinates below were taken from The Gold Queen's Pocket Fel Spreader Farming post (with a few corrections by me). If you find any inaccuracies or corrections to the coordinates below please let me know.Stormwind Doomsayers
/way Stormwind City 78.6 37.3 Doomsayer/way Stormwind City 68.6 42.7 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 72.7 47.8 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 67.6 58.0 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 77.0 63.6 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 66.5 76.5 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 61.3 75.0 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 55.6 68.5 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 59.0 53.0 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 53.9 52.9 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 47.4 49.6 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 51.2 70.6 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 44.0 81.2 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 50.2 86.7 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 62.2 32.7 Doomsayer
/way Stormwind City 66.2 71.3 Doomsayer
Orgrimmar Doomsayers
/way Orgrimmar 33.85 67.93 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 40.16 63.88 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 40.66 46.85 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 45.86 51.44 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 39.88 77.98 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 44.20 69.00 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 44.22 63.84 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 48.75 57.09 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 52.66 63.93 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 52.16 74.96 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 51.83 85.04 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 57.70 52.79 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 65.30 47.71 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 71.75 45.08 Doomsayer
/way Orgrimmar 69.17 32.86 Doomsayer
Happy Hunting!
Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.Also, as I was writing this post my wife's been looking for Doomsayers and has found three. On the third one I got the Pocket Fel Spreader!
Big thanks again to The Gold Queen for her original guide.
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Episode 096: Jobs, Kids, and Garrisons
In this episode your host Jim Younkin playing World of Warcraft as a new(ish) parent, garrisons and their function for the time-constrained, a general malaise in the WoW community and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 096:
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Unraveling Why Gold-Making Has Changed In Warlords of Draenor
My initial intention with this video was to sit down and make a "quick 15 minute" video about why gold-making functions differently in Warlords of Draenor. I was planning to do this by mapping out how materials flowed in the game before and after Warlords.
What I ended up with is a 1.5 hour long video that accomplishes what I set out to do. I just didn't realize how complicated the relationships between gatherers, crafters and consumers.
YouTube: Unraveling Why Gold-Making Has Changed In Warlords of Draenor
I think of what I cover in this video as some initial exploration into the underpinnings of what has changed in the game for gold-making. This is only the beginning. There is lots more thinking and theorizing to go. The whole video is embedded above. Head past the jump for the final images I created in this video.
All I Could See…
Too Many Cooks
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Warlords of Draenor: No Prof Benefits, Easy-Mode Mining & Herbing
Some of our goals with Professions in Warlords of Draenor are to make them more of a personal choice, and less of a mandatory “min/max” selection. To that end, we're removing the direct combat benefits of Professions. Additionally, we've made it easier to level Mining and Herbalism. Healing Potions have gone mostly unused lately, compared to combat stat potions. We chose to solve that problem, along with a problem with Warlock utility, by having Healing Potions and Healthstones share cooldowns.
Herbalists can now harvest herbs throughout the game world without hard skill requirements. The yield an Herbalist will be able to harvest from each node is now determined by skill level.
Miners can now harvest mineral nodes in outdoor areas of the game world without hard skill requirements. The yield a Miner will be able to harvest from each node is now determined by skill level.
Healing Potions no longer share a cooldown with other potions, but instead share a 60-second cooldown with Healthstones. The cooldown will not reset until the player leaves combat."
The gathering changes seem like a continuation of the gathering changes introduced in Mists of Pandaria that allowed you level gathering completely inside of Pandaria.
This should make leveling a gathering professions while leveling your character much easier. I'm sure we've all had the experience of out-leveling the level of mining and herbalism while leveling and having to either go back and waste time catching up or stop leveling gathering until after you've hit max level.
Since I don't raid or PVP the removal of the stat bonuses won't really affect me although I'm sure some players will enjoy not having to take a professions they don't want to simply because it has the best stat bonus.
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On Four Blizzards - The Pre-Purchase/Level 90 Boost Decision
There's been a lot of chatter about the recent announcement of the Warlords of Dreanor Pre-Purchase which includes a level 90 boost. We talked about it in our post Warlords Of Draenor Release Date: On/Before 12/20/2014, Price: -$10 and discussed it at length with Faid on Episode 089: Another Pooting Incident.
We're not going to rehash what we've already covered but yesterday an email from Blizzard announcing the Pre-Purchase went out and that got people chatting again.
As I was pondering the email I came to a stark realization based on something I'd read earlier that night: There are four (or more) Blizzards! Read on for my thoughts on what went into the Pre-Purchase and Level 90 Boost decision.
Warlords of Draenor Release Date: On/Before 12/20/2014, Price: -$10
Along with announcing the current availability of the pre-purchase of Warlords of Draenor which includes a level instant 90 character boost (a "$60 Value" according to the graphic above) another thing caught our eye: the expected release date.
While Blizzard don't give an exact release date for Warlords of Draenor they give "Fall of 2014" as the "Expected Game Release" as well as "on or before 12/20/2014". Read on for more of our thoughts.
Episode 079: A Sheep Dog Named Willy
In this episode your host Jim Younkin and guest Gimp discuss their experiences making gold throughout all of the World of Warcraft expansions and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 079:
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Episode 078: Peep! Peep! Peep!
In this episode your host Jim Younkin and guest eSevenf discuss WoW on sale for $5, item squish, Weakauras vulnerability, Connected Realms and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 078:
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Episode 075 - The Power Word: Gold Podcast
In this week's episode your host Jim Younkin discusses Blizzcon 2013, Garrisons, BoE PVP item, interface changes and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 075:
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Warlords of Draenor - Gold-Making and Beyond
In case you've been hiding under a rock and haven't heard Blizzcon was this last weekend and we got to learn about World of Warcraft's next expansion "Warlords of Draenor". Warlords is going to be set on Draenor 35 years in the past (you know, before being exploded and turned into Outlands).
While there is going to be lots of news and media in the lead up to the expansion release (which I'm predicting will be late-ish 2014) I thought I'd take some time to highlight a few of the new features that us gold-makers will be interested in. Read on past the jump for more.
Episode 074 - The Power Word: Gold Podcast
In this week's episode your host Jim Younkin and guest Reckles discuss Sky Golem pricing, Timeless Isle gold-making, Connected Realms and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 074:
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Episode 073 - The Power Word: Gold Podcast
In this week's episode your host Jim Younkin discusses the Timeless Isle's effects on the economy, Magnificent Hide prices, what to do at the end of the expansion and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 073:
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World of Warcraft Subscribers 2005-2013 (and Beyond)
With the recent news that Activision Blizzard is buying back a controlling interest from Vivendi it was also made known that the current World of Warcraft world wide subscriber number is 7.7 million.
I came across this graphic made by redditor cat_trap who commented on this reddit thread related to the announcement.
I loved the idea of the graphic and decided to add my own graphic style. Read on past the jump for more on the graph.
Episode 068 - The Power Word: Gold Podcast
In this week's episode your hosts Jim Younkin and Erogroth competition disappearing, end of expansion slumps, if suffixes matter in flipping and much more. And now on with the show!
Episode 068:
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Mists of Pandaria: Initial Gold-Making Impressions
It's hard to believe it's only been two days since the launch of Mists of Pandaria. Seems more like a week with all the playing I've been doing.
Read on past the jump for my initial gold-making impressions of Mists of Pandaria along with some thoughts on lore and what others have found as far as gold-making in MoP.
The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 044
In this week's episode your hosts Jim Younkin and Gimp discuss what they've been doing in gold-making recently, look back on Cataclysm, look ahead to Mists of Pandaria and much more. And now on with the show!
Episode 044:
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Gold-Making or Lore - Which To Do First in Mists?
Over the last few months I've given a lot of thought to the question of how exactly I wanted to start off my Mists of Pandaria experience. While it may seem a trivial thing to some, I really wanted to start this expansion right.
While I may be best known for my gold-making endeavors believe it or not I actually do more in World of Warcraft than make gold. Read on past the jump for my thoughts on the decision of whether to focus on gold-making or exploring the lore of Mists of Pandaria first.
The 5 Most Enjoyable Ways We Made Gold In Cataclysm
Each player has their own special ways of making gold in World of Warcraft. No two players are the same. No two servers are the same. This means that each of us walks our unique own gold-making path.
Since Mists of Pandaria is coming out in 5 days we thought it would be good to take some time to reflect back over our own gold-making journey through Cataclysm and pick out the top 5 most enjoyable techniques we used to make gold in World of Warcraft.
Head past the jump for our Top 5 most enjoyable gold-making techniques from World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
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Today's guest post was written by Ohnekase from the gold-making blog Meet Ohnekase . You can also follow them on twitter at @WowOhn...
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Gold-Making Blog Roll
The Blizzcon 2015 Charity Dinner - Blizzcon 2015 was my: - first trip alone - first trip outside of Canada since I was 16 years old - first airplane trip - first Blizzcon That ...
Selling Sky Golems - I had wanted to write up a post detailing the Stonehide Leather shuffle that I had been using. But Blizzard recently nerfed this option, and it is no lon...
Follow Quin69 at Gamescon - Click the read more to view the livestream on Quin69 at Gamescon Watch live video from Quin69 on
2015 in absentia - I almost can't believe this is my first post in more than a year. I post glyphs just recently, and it was the first time in three months. So I thought I'...
Mechanisms of Action - It's been... a couple months - I think? Since I last really played WoW. Sure, I've logged in, but - I just screwed around in my Garrison and then stared ...
Így indul 2015 - Kedves Book of Gold vásárlók/érdeklődők! A 2015. január 1-től életbe lépő rengeteg törvénymódosítás között szerepelt egy ÁFA-törvény módosítás is. Eszerin...
Old school potions are insane - Hey peeps! Quick update here. If you have an alchemist laying around with Potion of treasure finding (Cataclysm recipe) and potion of luck (MOP recipe) t...
Name the Podcast: Vote - The finalists have been chosen! Now is the time to vote!! The poll will close right before we record Episode 4! You'll be able to vote 3 separate times 1. ...

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