Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes
Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes Selling extremely well, for
secret reasons, these protection potion receipes were added in The Burning
The Power Word: Gold 2014 Year In Review
It's New Year's Eve and time to put some of my thoughts down about what's happened here at Power Word: Gold this year.
While there has been some fairly drastic changes in the area of gold-making itself due to the release of Warlords of Draenor this post will mainly focus on what's been going on with the blog specifically.
I normally try not to talk too much about the blog itself as I like to let the details be background to the content these end-of-the-year posts are when I allow myself to be a bit more introspective. Read on for more.
Is Savage Blood Being Duped? Here's The Evidence
I was tipped off by Twitter user @OriShmori that there's a strong chance that Savage Blood is being duplicated ("duped") on several servers.
@PowerWordGold @CM_Lore Hopefully something will be done about the rampant Savage blood dupes. this is true this could be very bad for anyone hoping to make gold selling Savage Blood or selling items made with Savage Blood.
— Ori (@OriShmori) December 26, 2014
This isn't the first time I've written on the topic of item duplication and its effects on the economy (see Strong Evidence of Rampant Item Duplication in WoW and Proof Of Jeweled Onyx Panther Duping And Its Effects On Pricing). My guess is that (sadly) this won't be the last. Read on for our evidence and the ability to check the data for yourself.
New Forum Holiday WoW Pet Giveaway: Soul of the Aspects
Happy Holidays! In celebration of the successful launch of the Bid Fiddlers gold-making forums we're giving away a golden Soul of the Aspects pet.
(A huge thanks to @RhoWoW from the @RealmPodcast for providing the giveaway pet. Rho is a fantastic cheerleader for all WoW podcasts out there and a very generous person. Go listen to the Realm Maintenance podcast.
To enter the contest do the following things:- Sign up for a free account on the forums
- Reply to this contest post with your answer to the following question: "What are you looking forward to most in 2015?"
Your answers don't have to relate specifically to WoW. I'm just a huge fan of the feeling of new beginnings that a new year brings.
- Answers to this contest post will be accepted up until midnight on December 31, 2014.
- In the week following the closing of entries one comment will be chosen at random (via where the comments are numbered from 1 being the first comment to what ever the last comment is).
- The winner will be contacted by me via the email address used to sign up for the forum and will be asked to reply to obtain the pet gift code.
- If the winner doesn't accept the gift or reply to the email an new winner will be chosen at random and so on.
In addition, while it's not required, please feel free to share this contest on your blogs, social media and any other methods you see fit.STICK AROUND
I also hope that if you've signed up for the forums to enter the contest that you also stick around and chat with other forum members about gold-making. We have a great little community here and we're always looking for new members to help us learn about making gold in World of Warcraft.Like this post? Get even more Power Word: Gold - Purchase our Gold-Making Guides, subscribe via RSS, subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes or RSS, watch our Livestreams, follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, join the subreddit, and subscribe via Youtube.
Episode 094: Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Everywhere!
In this episode your host Jim Younkin discusses leveling in Warlords, what are all our cooldowns really good for?, TSM .csv spreadsheets, Trading Post flipping and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 094:
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Full show notes after the jump.
Build a WoW Item Pricing Spreadsheet Using TradeSkillMaster .CSVs + Google Drive Sheets
In this video I go over how to use the (Beta) TradeSkillMaster Web APIs (Stormspire post explaining the feature) to download a .csv of my realm auction house pricing data and build a Google Drive Sheets spreadsheet that allows me to access and manipulate that data to do things like:
- Quickly show prices for multiple items on the AH in one look.
- Quickly show prices for any list of item names or item IDs.
- Be able to do things like calculate material costs for items.
- See which crafted items are selling for the most and the cost per mat etc.
This video gives you all the basics to get your own spreadsheet started. Where you go from here is only limited by your imagination. I know I'm still thinking up ways to manipulate the data that these TradeSkillMaster .csvs offer us.
And, before anyone asks, I *do not* have a version of the spreadsheet you can download. This time I expect you to follow the video and build you own. This will (hopefully) teach you how to do it yourself and not just have you rely on using what someone else made. ("Give a man a fish…" and all that.)
And, before anyone asks, I *do not* have a version of the spreadsheet you can download. This time I expect you to follow the video and build you own. This will (hopefully) teach you how to do it yourself and not just have you rely on using what someone else made. ("Give a man a fish…" and all that.)
Like this post? Get even more Power Word: Gold - Purchase our Gold-Making Guides, subscribe via RSS, subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes or RSS, watch our Livestreams, follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, join the subreddit, and subscribe via Youtube.
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Warlords of Draenor
Blizzard To Allow Gold Buying? WildStar Did It First (Which Is Good)!
In Blizzard's 2014 World of Warcraft in the New Year forum post it mentioned that it is contemplating allowing players to buy in-game game-time tokens and then sell them to other players for gold.
While I'm sure there will be much player reaction to this possibility, when looking at the WildStar C.R.E.D.D. system I couldn't find much to dislike about it. Read on past the jump for a recap of the WildStar C.R.E.D.D. system and what it could look like in World of Warcraft.
Garrisons Explained: How Work Orders Work (Get Faster, Get More)
In this "explainer" video, I go over how the Garrison Work Order system works. I try to break it down in terms that are simple and easy to understand and help people like me make sure that we're thinking correctly about how they work.
In addition, I go over adding a follower to your Tier 2 Garrison profession building to make even more Work Order items. I should warn you this video (while shorter than my last) clocks in at 40 minutes. Head past the jump for the final (Beautiful Mind-style) output image.
YouTube: Garrisons Explained: How Work Orders Work (Get Faster, Get More)
Fur and Leather Caged Beasts Now Stack!
Looks like fur/leather cages for the Barn now stack. WAHOO!! #yougetbagspace #andyougetbagspace #everyonegetsbagspace
Like this post? Get even more Power Word: Gold - Purchase our Gold-Making Guides, subscribe via RSS, subscribe to the Podcast via iTunes or RSS, watch our Livestreams, follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, join the subreddit, and subscribe via Youtube.
Unraveling Why Gold-Making Has Changed In Warlords of Draenor
My initial intention with this video was to sit down and make a "quick 15 minute" video about why gold-making functions differently in Warlords of Draenor. I was planning to do this by mapping out how materials flowed in the game before and after Warlords.
What I ended up with is a 1.5 hour long video that accomplishes what I set out to do. I just didn't realize how complicated the relationships between gatherers, crafters and consumers.
YouTube: Unraveling Why Gold-Making Has Changed In Warlords of Draenor
I think of what I cover in this video as some initial exploration into the underpinnings of what has changed in the game for gold-making. This is only the beginning. There is lots more thinking and theorizing to go. The whole video is embedded above. Head past the jump for the final images I created in this video.
Episode 093: Garrisons and Gathering and Gold-Making…Oh My!
In this episode your host Jim Younkin discusses how gold-making has changed in Warlords, Blizzard fighting botters, gold-making with garrisons, passive vs. active play and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 093:
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Full show notes after the jump.
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Warlords of Draenor
Introducing - A New Gold-Making Forum
I'm proud to announce that I have created a new gold-making forum at I've been contemplating starting a gold-making forum ever since I started the blog back in 2010 but never felt the time was right.
After 4 years of blogging, I finally feel comfortable starting my own gold-making forum and I hope you'll enjoy it. Read on for more on why I started them and what I hope to accomplish with them.
Episode 092: Doing The Level One Hundred Dance
In this episode your host Jim Younkin discusses hitting level 100, picking tier 3 garrison buildings, the "Working More Orders" achievement, garrison resource theory and much more. And now… on with the show!
Episode 092:
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Full show notes after the jump.
Best Garrison Buildings To Make Gold - Tier 3 Small, Medium, and Large
We finally hit level 100 on one of our characters and are now faced with what new small, medium, and large garrison buildings to build.
Just like when we wrote Best Starter Tier 2 Small and Medium Garrison Buildings To Make Gold? we're going to look at what we might want to do in Tier 3.
Pre-Built Warlords Importable TradeSkillMaster Groups by Animadnb
(Today's guest post was written by Animadnb. If you would like your gold-making guest post featured on Power Word: Gold please submit it for consideration to [email protected]. In the email include the post title, post text, images, and a public name/pseudonym for attribution.)
So my name is Robert and I go by the nickname Animadnb. Some time ago I did a fresh install of WoW/TSM right after the release of WoD. Seeing as my TSM didn't have any groups at all, I decided to use the Power Word: Gold Grouper in combination with the new items on Wowhead to get some new groups going. Since the huge huge amount of new items I might have missed 1 or 2 so if you find something I missed please let me know. I will break down the groups each individually to tell why I have set up the groups like that. Read on past the jump for my groups for TSM import.
Hotfix Removes Many Cooldown Mats From Profession Recipes
Wowhead reports many of the rare crafting recipes no longer require soulbound materials that have cooldoowns.
This will likely change (tank?) the value of these items but also allow them to be more readily crafted and bought/sold.
Keep an eye on these items and also how the ore prices might go up/down as people move into the market. (Looks like the stockpilers weren't so crazy after all.) Head past the jump for the changes.
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Today's guest post was written by Ohnekase from the gold-making blog Meet Ohnekase . You can also follow them on twitter at @WowOhn...

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Today's guest post was written by Ohnekase from the gold-making blog Meet Ohnekase . You can also follow them on twitter at @WowOhn...
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We've heard plenty of circumstantial evidence of rampant "duping" (duplication) of items in recent months. We've heard ...
We've created a tool for creating importable TradeSkillMaster (TSM) groups from almost any webpage that includes links to World of...
I decided to have some fun with the exported data you can get from the Resources > Data Export page on WoWuction ( example page ). ...

Gold-Making Blog Roll
The Blizzcon 2015 Charity Dinner - Blizzcon 2015 was my: - first trip alone - first trip outside of Canada since I was 16 years old - first airplane trip - first Blizzcon That ...
Selling Sky Golems - I had wanted to write up a post detailing the Stonehide Leather shuffle that I had been using. But Blizzard recently nerfed this option, and it is no lon...
Follow Quin69 at Gamescon - Click the read more to view the livestream on Quin69 at Gamescon Watch live video from Quin69 on
2015 in absentia - I almost can't believe this is my first post in more than a year. I post glyphs just recently, and it was the first time in three months. So I thought I'...
Mechanisms of Action - It's been... a couple months - I think? Since I last really played WoW. Sure, I've logged in, but - I just screwed around in my Garrison and then stared ...
Így indul 2015 - Kedves Book of Gold vásárlók/érdeklődők! A 2015. január 1-től életbe lépő rengeteg törvénymódosítás között szerepelt egy ÁFA-törvény módosítás is. Eszerin...
Old school potions are insane - Hey peeps! Quick update here. If you have an alchemist laying around with Potion of treasure finding (Cataclysm recipe) and potion of luck (MOP recipe) t...
Name the Podcast: Vote - The finalists have been chosen! Now is the time to vote!! The poll will close right before we record Episode 4! You'll be able to vote 3 separate times 1. ...

Blog Archive
- The Power Word: Gold 2014 Year In Review
- Is Savage Blood Being Duped? Here's The Evidence
- New Forum Holiday WoW Pet Giveaway: Soul of the As...
- Episode 094: Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Everywhere!...
- Build a WoW Item Pricing Spreadsheet Using TradeSk...
- Blizzard To Allow Gold Buying? WildStar Did It Fir...
- Garrisons Explained: How Work Orders Work (Get Fas...
- Fur and Leather Caged Beasts Now Stack!
- Unraveling Why Gold-Making Has Changed In Warlords...
- Episode 093: Garrisons and Gathering and Gold-Maki...
- Introducing - A New Gold-Making Fo...
- Episode 092: Doing The Level One Hundred Dance
- Best Garrison Buildings To Make Gold - Tier 3 Smal...
- Pre-Built Warlords Importable TradeSkillMaster Gro...
- Hotfix Removes Many Cooldown Mats From Profession ...
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