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TradeSkillMaster 2.0 - Groups & Sub-Groups Explained
I think is is important to give a visual metaphor for how groups and sub-groups work in TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 because it can seem confusing.
The video after the jump goes into great detail to explain the metaphor and help you understand what is happening when adding and removing items from groups and sub-groups. Read on for more theory and the video.
YouTube: TradeSkillMaster (TSM) 2.0 - Groups & Sub-Groups Explained
Written Explination
Think of groups as a large plastic storage tub (the type that are as large as a storage trunk). Inside that tub place a smaller plastic storage container that is the size of a loaf of bread. This is a sub-group.
Inside that loaf of bread-size container place a container that is the size of a sandwich. This is a sub-group of a sub-group.
Inside that sandwich-size container place another container that is the size of a matchbox. This is a sub-group of a sub-group.
We have a storage storage tub. Inside that is a container the size of a loaf of bread. Inside that is a container the size of a sandwich. Inside that is a container the size of a matchbox.
Inside that container the size of a matchbox place a ring. That ring is an item in a sub-group of a sub-group of a sub-group of a group.
It might look something like this: storage tub > loaf of bread-size container > sandwich-size container > matchbox-size container > ring.
In TSM 2.0 terms it is: group > sub-group > sub-group > sub-group > item.
Why have I gone into so much detail to build this metaphor? Because when removing items from sub-groups they remain in the group or sub-group that contains its group or sub-group.
In TSM 2.0 if I remove the "ring" from the matchbox-size container it doesn't get removed from the storage tub. Instead it gets moved into the group or sub-group above it in the hierarchy.
In our metaphor a ring removed from the matchbox-size container would be "dumped" into the sandwich-size container.
If it was then removed from the sandwich-size size container is would be "dumped" into the loaf of loaf of bread-size container.
If it was removed from loaf of loaf of bread-size container it would be "dumped" into the storage tub.
Therefore an item, if removed from a group or sub-group, moves to the group or sub-group above it (also known as a "parent" group).
To get an item removed completely from all of the nested groups you select the top-most group, select the item and click "remove". This will remove the item from all groups similar to how it worked in TSM 1.0 (when you would remove an item from a group).
It takes a little getting used to but once you understand how it works you adjust fairly easily.
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Nice post Jim and working in IT I am well-versed in the concept of groups. What I'm struggling to see (as a transmog and high-price item flipper) is what benefits sub-groups would have for me as opposed to just a flat group structure. My TSM groups were all built via price (group for items to flip for 1000g, group for items to flip for 2000g etc) and I'm not seeing how sub-groups would help with this.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could do a post around the reasons for using sub-groups with some 'real-world' examples of the benefits of this in TSM 2.0 - I think a lot of people might find this useful and interesting!
Keep up the good work and hope your move goes well! :)
Was writing a long response but phone ate it. Long story short I only use one layer deep groups as well. As time goes on I'll likely learn the utility of further nesting. Some things I'm working on will likely take advantage on them. After the move I'll share more.
ReplyDeletei seem to be getting some errors since the new updates of TSM, hopefully they notice what i am experiencing and fix it...otherwise i need to figure out if another addon is causing this issue since i been offline for a few months...
ReplyDeleteBe sure to let them know via chat or the forums at http://tradeskillmaster.com/. It is still in beta after all.
DeleteAre you going to have an updated guide to setting up this new TSM with the 77-80 Cata & 83-84 MoP Item Flipping? I just updated via Curse Client without even thinking and all my groups are gone. I have no idea how to set them again properly.
ReplyDeleteI do have some new info coming relating to TSM 2.0 and flipping items in mid Sep. Until then check older posts for pricing info to use when re-setting them up. It's not too difficult when you learn how 2.0 groups are created in general. Check some of my more recent 2.0 posts for short video guides to get you started.
DeleteGreat! I really look forward to those guides. I am completely overwhelmed with this interface. With the old system I could never figure out how to use TSM for a variety of professions besides your helpful guides with flipping uncommons. VERY helpful
ReplyDeleteI asked this during Beta abd never really got a response. I am hoping you can help. I am a transmogger and have been for a year now. TSM I did a daily import search for bargains and then added them to my catergories to sell.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna go slow now, I went ahead during Beta and set a Transmog Group, then my Sub's as 500,1000 etc etc all the way to 20k. I took the peices I had and added them to each sub group and it all went well. Here is where I am having an issue. I wanted a Shopping group of rare transmog's to run daily, so I made a group and called it rareTrans and imported a list to that group. All is good i find a rare peice I dont have in my Subgroups to sell, I go to add it to the sub group under transmog and its not there on the left. I do some digging and find it still uner raretrans group which is not an auctioning group. How do I get it from there to the sub auctioning group? Should I upload the list to the original Transmog group and do a Shopping search from there?
Items can only be in one group/subgroup. By importing a list it seems you moved the item into the new group. I think your best bet is to create a Shopping Operation and add it to the groups/subgroup you had set up originally (or vice versa add a auctioning operation to the group you set up to shop for the items).