How to level Battle Pets to 25 in Legion
How to level Battle Pets to 25 in Legion During Warlords of Draenor, “super
squirt” was the codewords whispered between gold makers, which meant that
Help Nev Support The Fight Against Breast Cancer
Nev was one of the first members of the gold-making community that I connected with when I started blogging. She is one of the people I looked up to while I was getting started. She was the first person to ever comment on my blog (on my very first post nonetheless). Read on past the jump to learn more and get details on how to donate.
My Friend
Since then I've been lucky enough to get to know Nev...ahem...I mean Helen well and I consider her one of the closest friends I've met in the community. In short, she's someone I hold very dear.
Today she posted on Auction House Addict about herself and the beginning of her battle with breast cancer (See "Introducing The Real Me, A Message & A Plea"). She is keeping positive and has turned her energy to raising money for Breast Cancer Care.
Call To Action
Click Here To Donate Now.
<3 You Nev!
And to you Nev...I mean Helen...(now I know how hard you had it starting to call me world is a better place with you in it. Thank you for all of the support you've shown me in the time we've known each other and now is my chance to give back to you.
Get The Badge
TheGoldQueen was kind enough to share the following Pink Mageweave Shirt graphic. I don't think she'd mind if I shared it with all of you.
If you'd like to help spread the word about Helen's fundraiser and raise awareness of Breast Cancer Care feel free to use the following image and link.
![]() |
Pink Mageweave Shirt with Pink Ribbon |
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"real men wear pink" and every warm word will help Nev. er, Helen. Thanks Flux, er, Jim.