Fabulous - Achievement - World of Warcraft
One of the reasons there might be a market in selling transmog items is the
achievement below: Unlock each of the achievements listed below. Source:
The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 011
In this week's episode we discuss how we've been making gold this week, advice for jump starting your gold-making, how we're preparing for Patch 4.2, selling Cataclysm greens and much more. And now, on with the show!
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Full show notes after the jump.
Episode 011 Show Notes
- The Power Word: Gold Podcast: Episode 011 was recorded Saturday June 11, 2011.
- You can find podcasts by selecting "Podcast" in our top navigation bar, selecting the "Podcasts" tag in our tag cloud in the side bar, subscribing on iTunes or via our Podcast-only RSS feed.
- Previous Podcasts
- Intro music: "No Music" by Incursion.
Used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
2.5 Generic (CC BY-SA) 2.5 license.
- Faid's blog is Nerf Faids.
- 03:23 Why flux took his "blogging vacation".
- 06:39 Recent changes/additions to the Power Word: Gold blog:
- Site-look redesign.
- Added a Gold-Making Glossary.
- Added a new Blogroll page.
- 9:20 I'm starting to write The Power Word: Gold Guide. All drafts will be publicly viewable as they are written.
- 14:11 What Faid has been doing to make gold recently.
- Camping Poseidus. When killed this rare spawn NPC drops the BOE mount Reins of Poseidus.
- Focusing on cross-faction. Leveling characters and professions.
- 15:41 "Scared" out of glyph market but decided to fight back.
- 16:27 flux discusses how the summer time influx of players may be introducing more glyph competition.
- 19:26 Faid has made 73K by doing cross-faction vendor pets and recipes.
- 20:57 flux posits that the reason there is so much cheap Volatile Life on the Horde side is because of the Tauren racial ability Cultivation which lowers the herb gathering time to 1 second.
- 22:03 The gold making progression of a player from one character to multiple alts to cross faction is fascinating.
- 24:07 Camping Poseidus to sell or use?
- 26:30 Hunting rare spawns as recreation. Faid has a guildee who camped Aeonaxx <Mate of Aeosera> (which drops the Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake mount) for 7 days straight.
- 28:21 Anything stand out gold-making wise? Faid sold (2) Pattern: Rich Purple Silk Shirt for 4K each.
- 29:02 flux sold Schematic: Lifelike Mechanical Toad for 4.2K after 2 months of listing it.
- 29:57 Discussion on why The Undermine Journal made the listing of sales data an option that must be turned on after logging in. See the "Jun 08: Sold Items Hiding" post on The Undermine Journal Blog for more details.
- 30:33 Faid discusses how The Undermine Journal gave her her first gold-making notoriety.
- 33:02 flux runs into a little bit of interface fail on The Undermine Journal options page.
- 35:06 flux sold Schematic: Crashin' Thrashin' Robot for 1K.
- 35:33 Faid demonstrates the proper way to hack into The Matrix.
- 37:24 Deviate Fish (used to cook Savory Deviate Delight which turns you into a human pirate or ninja) has been selling for 6-8g each. They are a 33% fishing drop in the last pool in the Wailing Caverns instance.
- 40:00 Oddities and unintuitive adventures in selling Valor
- Most purchases from trade chat are 2.5K.
- Moccasins of Verdurous Glooms selling well (7-8K) even with a very similar pair of boots (Treads of Malorne) available at Exalted reputation with Guardians of Hyjal.
- See "Buying And Selling Valor Boots For Profit" for more info on making gold by flipping valor boots.
- 44:37 Break.
- Bumper music: "Di Nuovo" by Incursion. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (CC BY-SA) 2.5 license.
- Frozen Orb "Kulta Neuvonta"(gold-making) tip by "Rul" of Turalyon, Alliance
- 48:12 MP3 gold-making question from "Eminim" of Kalecgos. How
do you get a jump start your gold making to be able to afford
good gear and as well as a Vial
of the Sands? Also what profession to replace mining with?
- 51:51 flux: Enjoy what you're doing. If you like a particular profession and find it profitable stick to it.
- 53:51 Faid: Don't shy away from so-called "flavor-of-the-month" professions. They are often highly profitable and a great way to make money quickly. They are the "flavor of the month" because they work.
- 55:30 See the video on the post "WoW Gold Rush - Blacksmithing" at Nerf Faids.
- 56:28 flux talks about what he's learned so far about making gold as a newbie from his project codenamed "Project Vanilla".
- 57:53 What profession to replace mining with?
- 58:12 If you like the Power Word: Gold Podcast you might also enjoy the new general World of Warcraft podcast The Tram Rats Podcast hosted by flux and his wife "Pinkeytoes". Listen to the first episode at "The Tram Rats Podcast - Episode 001".
- 59:25 Faid discusses the thought process involved in picking a duplicate profession based on the strength of multiple cooldowns. See "Professions: Which to stack?" at Nerf Faids.
- Alchemy (for transmutes) and Jewelcrafting (for daily tokens and faster pattern acquisition) are generally held to be the best professions to duplicate.
- 1:02:57 Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting are a strong combination due to both professions working together in boosting your primary stat (strength, agility or intellect).
- 1:04:56 Patch 4.2: Our stockpiling (or lack thereof).
- Patch 4.2 may come on June 21, 2011.
- How have we been preparing for 4.2?
- 1:06:10 flux has been doing Truegold transmutes as well as stocking up on Blackened Dragonscales.
- flux's favorite place to farm Blackened Dragonscales, Sethria's Roost, may become a phase during the 4.2 Mt. Hyjal dailies. He may leave one skinner "behind" by not doing the dailies.
- 1:08:19 You can stockpile items "on the auction house" by keeping them up for really high prices while you are building up your stockpile. If they sell, great! If not you still have them as a stockpile.
- 1:09:02 The problem with stockpiling Truegold. If demand spikes all the server alchemists can switch on a dine to doing Truegold. The supply can swell in just a single day. (See "Making Gold With Craftable Items in Patch 4.2" and "Making Gold With Craftable Items in Patch 4.2 Part II" at Bangkok Bill's.)
- 1:10:32 Faid is stockpiling Volatile Fire and has started looking into stockpiling Volatile Earth in preparation for a possible demand spike in Hardened Elementium Bars.
- 1:12:25 Prospecting cheap Pyrite Ore may be a viable way to acquire Volatile Earth if prices spike (but it will make Faid feel "dirty").
- 1:13:17 What we learned from Patch 4.1 that we can remember for Patch 4.2. Having a large stockpile of Inferno Rubies can net large profits at the beginning of a patch.
- 1:14:07 flux has been pricing items "high" rather than simply
undercutting the lowest price. This works well for items that
have a large turn over such as certain gems and enchanting
materials. He was able to sell many many Heavenly
Shards for 97g a piece doing this.
- Auctionator's "Buy" tab is great for undercutting high by simply clicking a higher priced auction which then sets your auction to undercut that item rather than the lowest priced item.
- 1:17:26 Where to farm Heavenly Shards? Cheap level 82+ blue items from the auction house. Also look for the Elementium Dragonling trinket made by engineers.
- 1:19:08 Looking into the profitability of green Cataclysm items that require level 77-80.
- See "Understanding
why people buy helps profit!" at Gimp's
Golden Adventure.
- See "The "Treasure Potion Trash Dash" Challenges You!".
- 1:21:28 Level 77-80 Cataclysm items are valuable because they help players work through the last three levels of The Wrath of the Lich King easier and faster.
- You can start your prices for level 77-80 Cataclysm green items around 70-90g for armor and 150-200g for weapons.
- 1:24:50 Players who leveled with level 80 heirlooms need to replace them all with higher item level gear to be eligible to use the dungeon finder for the starting Cataclysm dungeons (as heirlooms have no item level).
- At level 81 green items lose much of their value (compared to level 80).
- A great place to farm these low level green items is Fractured Front in western Deepholm. (See the video "VVPH Challenge Rzarazor" by Rzarazor for details on the location.)
- 1:29:32 Sylvanas' Music Box sold for 25K. Purchased off trade for 6k.
- Found out there is a limit of 10K for CODs in the game. Had to sell the music box on the AH and adding a 5% AH fee.
- 1:30:53 Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King enchanting materials are strong sellers. Obtained via the "Saronite Shuffle" when getting gems for Icy Prisms.
- WotLK gems Dragon's Eye (150-200g) and Scarlet Rubies (40-50g) are selling well. Both are obtained via Icy Prism.
- 1:32:02 Be sure before patch 4.2 to add your Justice Points to your Valor Points and spend anything above 4000 (combined). Valor Points are being converted down to Justice Points and anything over the 4000 Justice Point cap will automatically be converted to gold at the rate of 47 silver per Justice Point. I recommend spending extras purchasing Cardinal Rubies at the vendors in Dalaran.
- 1:35:04 See "4.2 and the Left Behind" at Nerf Faids.
- 1:36:32 flux gets all sentimental about how great the Isle of
Quel'danas dailies were. Faid? Not so much.
- 1:38:01 Get all the crafters your want to get 4.2 patterns on prepared by doing the Mt. Hyjal quests (up until the "regrowth") ahead of time. You don't want to be 1 or 2 days behind on daily tokens and miss out on the earliest pattern unlocks.
- "Doing something I don't like to make gold that I don't like feels like a job." -flux
- People may spend more time doing dailies and less time making gold which may allow consistent gold-makers to reap the benefits.
- 1:43:06 Break. Download OmniCC and Inline Aura today! Music: "Di Nuovo" by Incursion. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (CC BY-SA) 2.5 license.
- Shoutouts.
- 1:47:07 Five-star (★★★★★) reviews in iTunes (write yours today!): Thanks to James, Burnrocks and Nathan.
- 1:47:52 Podcast post comments: GrayzBDF (WoW or Gold), Vergadin, sylyanka (Diary of sklyanka (Russian)), Karthroman (Break the Bank).
- 1:48:25 Twitter: @warcrafrecon
(Warcraft Econ), @trimbleirl,
(Auction House Addict),
@Khalior (Khalior's
Tentacular Junkpile), @AltosGold
Goldish Advice),@Mageshadow (Just
My Two Copper), @breakthebankwow
(Break the Bank), @GimpsGold (Gimps Golden Adventure),
(Capped By Cata), @thegoldqueen
(The Gold Queen), @Faidtastic (Nerf Faids), @saazel,
@Grogar (YouTube
channel), @msherretz,
@SayomaraV, @anaalius
(Anaalius.com), @third_torch
(The Third Torch),
@JoshDJX (Hyper
Craft), @eiddor, @SleepingIsbjorn,
@v1pe_WoW, and
- Facebook: (Listen to the podcast audio for these shoutouts.)
- Like us at the Power
Word: Gold Facebook Page.
- Like Faid at the Nerf
Faids Facebook page.
- Join our reddit community at /r/WoWGoldMaking
- flux's posts of the week:
- 1:59:51 "Introducing
The Tram Rats Podcast - A General WoW Podcast". (See
also The Tram Rats
- 2:02:01 "More Spectral Tiger Mounts Coming Via WoW TCG Tournaments July 23-24"
- 2:03:46 "TL;DR - Warcraft Econ Hall Of Fames May 2011"
- Faid's posts of the week:
- 2:06:04 "My Nemesis Returns"
- "Nerf Faids now on Facebook!"
- "WoW Gold Rush - Blacksmithing"
- 2:06:46 "I'm
a very unimpressive gold-maker. (Oh, and 750k)"
- Exit music: "Sai Perdere" by Incursion. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (CC BY-SA) 2.5 license.
Talking Points
- What was the first expensive item that made you want to get into gold-making?
- How have you been preparing for Patch 4.2?
- What question would you like answered in a future podcast?
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Really enjoyed this weeks episode.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Flux! :D
Loved the podcast for this week.
ReplyDelete-What was the most expensive item that made you want to get into gold making? Darkmoon Card Greatness would be the first one
-How have you been preparing for 4.2? I haven't all that much. I have just been buying up a bit more pyrite and obsidium ore than usual.
My first expensive item was the Epic Parrot. I started gold making to get the BOE pets for my main. I still haven't gotten any of the mounts or anything as they don't interest me.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been preparing at all really. I have a small-ish stockpile of truegolds, hides, and volatiles I can let into the market if the price escalates but they'll be used regardless.
It's too late i think to talk about the next show :p
And so the number 1 gold making podcast returns. Awesome episode and Faid did great as a co-host. Jokinee get back here too, bruv!!
ReplyDeleteI really loved the emotional value of this episode. Kind of like the main character getting burnt in a movie and then returning (ie. Gandalf the gray dies and returns as Gandalf the white...i know i know haha).
Skipping the breaks and using the music added to the heartfelt tone of the episode. Was a very interesting shift to see. Good discussions.
Nice to have you back, flux!