Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes
Farming Major Protection Potions and Recipes Selling extremely well, for
secret reasons, these protection potion receipes were added in The Burning
"One Month, One Toon" Challenge Update: Day 11
So it's been 11 days since I started my One Month, One Toon Challenge and it's time to report back on how it's going, what I'm learning and what I'm missing. (If you're confused by my Nelf'ish figure above, it was a teleporter malfunction. A horrible, disfiguring malfunction!) Read on past the jump for my experiences so far.
Setting Up The TSM "Add Items by ItemID" Alpha Feature
Watch live video from jimyounkin on TwitchTV
Here is a 2:22 long livestream recording I did that goes over an alpha feature that will be available in future versions of TSM. Specifically I explore the "Add Items by ItemID" Group Override that should be a boon to those selling mogging items. I also go over how to import and search for mogging items usingTSM Shopping and Faid's lists.
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Open Reader Question: Does Realm Size Matter?
Today we have a question from a reader that I am going to let you answer. The question relates to realm population size and its effects on gold-making. Please help this reader by giving us your answer in the comments section below. Head past the jump for the question.
How To Reset Your NPCScan Cache
Many of us love using _NPCScan to hunt rare spawns for fun and profit (Collidus the Warp Watcher anyone?). Problem is, once you find a rare spawn _NPCScan won't alert you if you see them again unless you delete your creaturecache.wdb file outside the game.
This short video goes over how to delete the proper file as well as a shortcut to make it faster the next time you need to delete it.
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Keelhaul's Proudmoore Transmog Fashion Show Livestream Recording
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Keelhaul (@DEazeroth) was at is again tonight. He hosted a Transmog Fashion Show with 100k gold in prizes on the Proudmoore-US (A) realm. Keel asked me to livestream it and the 1 hour recording of the event is above. You can also watch it on the recording's page on
If you ever wonder who in the world would buy your transmog items for the prices we charge, just watch the video above. I know I saw some of the sets I'm selling being sported by the mogging players. Congrats to all the winners! I took care to read off the transmog items for the sets I thought were especially great.
To catch all my livestreams be sure to follow me at
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The "One Month, One Toon" Challenge
I'm what you might call an "alt-aholic". I love toons. Toons, toons and more toons. I have ten level 85 characters on my main server. I have far more than ten alts of various levels scattered over various servers. IN gold-making it is often very advantageous to have such a set up. Having multiple toons with multiple professions is a very solid strategy.
There is something, however, that I think I may have lost in my race to "have all the toons" and that is focus. Perhaps it is all the time I've been spending in Outlands reminiscing about "the good old days". Perhaps it is seeing people struggle to make gold with just one or two characters.
Mainly I just want to feel the way I did about a singular character the way I did in The Burning Crusade. Whatever the reason, I've decided to create what I am calling the "One Month, One Toon" Challenge. Read on past the jump to see how I'll be spending my next 30 days in World of Warcraft.
Setting Up TradeSkillMaster To Sell Mogging Items
Watch live video from jimyounkin on TwitchTV
I finally decided to set up TradeSkillMaster (TSM) to post my transmogrification items. I've finally been able to settle into a pricing structure I'm comfortable automating and decided to do a livestream of the process. This is my first instructional livestream and, as is the nature of livestreams, it is interactive and unedited.
The livestream ended up taking around 1 hour but I think the knowledge to be gained from it will more than make up for the length. Special thanks to Faid, Gimp, Alto and all the other people who joined me in the chat room and helped me work out some kinks. If you have any questions about the livestream or setting up TSM let me know in the comments below.
Also be sure to subscribe to my livestream channel at If you can't always make it live be sure to check my other recorded livestreams for lots of wackiness with April, Faid, Gimp and more.
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The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 029
In this week's episode we discuss transmogrification tips, tiers, techniques and more. And now on with the show!
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Full show notes after the jump.
Livestreaming Is Too Much Fun! (20+ Hours Inside)
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This weekend I finally put some of the hard-earned PayPal dollars we've earned selling our guide to use and purchased a full version of XSplit Premium. We've been using the free beta version for a while now to do those cool multi-screen section videos the last month or so. (Download XSplit beta at
Over this weekend we went ahead and created a proper account ( and started livestreaming. Over the weekend we did 20+ hours of livestreaming. We had a blast. Livestreams are far different than YouTube videos in that there is live interaction between myself and the audience. Head past the jump for a list of all the livestreams we did this weekend.
Quick Tip: One-Pulling Hellfire Ramparts For Mogging Items
In this Quick Tip video I go over how to one-pull almost the entire Hellfire Ramparts instance in order to quickly farm mogging items as well as Runecloth. I originally learned about this technique from Gimp (Gimps Gold) in this video.
Any class with a targetable AOE attack such as Hunter's Explosive Trap, Druid's Hurricane, Warlock's Rain of Fire, Mage's Blizzard, etc will be able to pull this off by targeting it as shown in the video. If you aren't one of these classes you can aggro them with a well-timed EZ-Throw Dynamite (Thanks Ruls). I also collected over 200 Runecloth in just 3 resets each taking about 5 minutes each including looting.
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The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 028
In this week's episode we discuss our changing transmogrification techniques, speculate on how to prepare for Mists of Pandaria and much more. And now on with the show!
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Full show notes after the jump.
Power Word: Gold Now Available In (Nearly) Every Language
We're happy to announce that Power Word: Gold can now be translated into (nearly) every language on the planet. To activate this feature choose your language from the "Translate This Blog" drop-down menu in the sidebar. In the video above I have a little fun with the feature (and butcher the Icelandic language).
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The "Translate This Blog" feature. |
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Ding! Power Word: Gold Turns One
The very first post I ever made on Power Word: Gold was posted on February 7, 2011, exactly one year ago today. (The image above shows what Power Word: Gold looked like when it first started. Very, um, literal.)
I just wanted to take brief moment to thank each and every one of you who have ever read one of our posts, left comments, sent us an email, listened to the podcast, watched our videos, interacted with us on twitter, Facebook or Google+, purchased our guide or in any other way supported us in our first year.
You are the reason for any and all success we've had and we are eternally grateful. Here's to another tremendous year!
-Jim Younkin
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How To Farm Gold and Lovely Charms in Deepholm
You may have seen my first video about farming Lovely Charms in Throne of the Tides. Well, I'm back at it and in this video I show an alternative spot I am using to not only farm Lovely Charms but also make some nice extra gold by drinking a Potion of Treasure Finding and selling the items I get in Tiny Treasure Chests. While it isn't as fast as the Throne of the Tides spot it is much more lucrative from a guaranteed-gold perspective.
This farming spot is called "Fractured Front" and is in western Deepholm. You will see large numbers of Troggs fighting Dwarfs and Golems. Those Troggs are your targets. The video is from my perspective as a hunter but this can be farmed by pretty much any class. The first place I learned about this spot was in the comments on our "Trash Dash" post.
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The Fastest Way To Farm Lovely Charms - Throne of Tides
In this video I show how I get to the fastest Lovely Charm farming spot I've found yet in Regular Throne of the Tides. I had April help me kill the first boss but some classes may be able to solo the first boss. If you can't, than be sure to bring along a buddy. I've also read that this spot can be used for farming your 250 Grizzly Trophies for Darkmoon Faire quest.
I originally heard about this spot in this reddit comment while looking for ways to quickly farm up the 2700 Lovely Charms I'd need in order to quickly get my Swift Lovebird BOE mount. I didn't want to have to wait to do the dailies every day to get the Love Tokens. Read on past the jump for more.
I am planning to try and sell it at first and if it doesn't sell keep for myself. Faid has reported a Swift Lovebird selling for 100k on her server (although she stated she didn't think it was a usual sale) and April has let me know that someone is trying to sell the mount on our server right now for 60k.
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Engineering Love During Love Is In The Air
Are you Alliance? Are you an Engineer? Is "Love is in the Air" going on? If so I've got a deal for you! (Be sure to check out Icy Veins' great Love is in the Air Guide.) (Also, be sure to read the Update below for a possible way to quickly farm the BOE Swift Lovebird mount to sell on the AH.)
I had originally been grinding the earth elementals in the starting area of Mt. Hyjal to get my Lovely Charms but then decided to hit Wowhead and look for some mobs I could possibly 'skin' on my engineer. Head past the jump to find out which mobs.
The Problematic Possibilities of Leather Mogging Item Sales
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Like many of you I've been bitten by the mogging bug and have been making good use of Keelhauls Plate, Mail and Cloth mogging lists. Unfortunately that left us fumbling around to figure out what to do with Leather. Keelhaul has stated he doesn't even touch leather at all.
That left it up to us to figure Leather out for ourselves. I decided it was time I looked more into the possibilities of selling Leather mogging items. What follows after the jump is my initial research into what Leather items may sell and whether Keelhaul was correct in simply skipping them.
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A Guide to Farming Instances For Mogging Items
Today's guest post was written by Ohnekase from the gold-making blog Meet Ohnekase . You can also follow them on twitter at @WowOhn...

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- Setting Up The TSM "Add Items by ItemID" Alpha Fea...
- Open Reader Question: Does Realm Size Matter?
- How To Reset Your NPCScan Cache
- Keelhaul's Proudmoore Transmog Fashion Show Livest...
- The "One Month, One Toon" Challenge
- Setting Up TradeSkillMaster To Sell Mogging Items
- The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 029
- Livestreaming Is Too Much Fun! (20+ Hours Inside)
- Quick Tip: One-Pulling Hellfire Ramparts For Moggi...
- The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 028
- Power Word: Gold Now Available In (Nearly) Every L...
- Ding! Power Word: Gold Turns One
- How To Farm Gold and Lovely Charms in Deepholm
- The Fastest Way To Farm Lovely Charms - Throne of ...
- Engineering Love During Love Is In The Air
- The Problematic Possibilities of Leather Mogging I...
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